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The THEorY of
"Great" Society of the UN-dead


I. Introduction       II. Background       III. The Candidates       IV. New York City, USA

New York City as Mystery, Babylon

(Note: To avoid going off message all links that support this position as well as point to the impending manifestation thereof are tabulated in the consecutive order of their of appearance on the related links page as well as highlighted in the main text body.)

I. Introduction

In the last Book of the Bible is an entity known as Mystery, Babylon and based on God's less than stellar outlook and Judgment of the place it's not something one would want to be associated with. It has attracted the attention of prophecy researchers far and wide for good reason since it is both a physical city and the manifestation of Satan's last attempt at an idolatrous worldwide religion. Notice I said Satan and religion in the same sentence. Satan loves religion and you will soon see why. Biblical Christianity is N-O-T religion and does not involve a physical C-H-U-R-C-H but a only a relationship with our Creator where He reaches out to us (but gives us our free will to accept Him and His rules) as opposed to the opposite of us trying to reach Him. The rationale is relatively simple. When humans start trying to invent another way into Heaven you end up with things like contributing to the gluttonous, abominable Catholic Church, murdering random infidels for Allah in the name of a "religion of peace", a despotic caste system that keeps people in perpetual poverty, etc. etc. Getting back, anyone that reads the copious books on Biblical Prophecy will come across several theories on the identification "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH." (Revelation 17:5). Please note "woman", "harlot" and "whore" refer to false religion and not necessarily a specific human female. Section II discusses the background of Ancient Babylon, the forerunner to Mystery, Babylon. The candidates for this whore of Babylon are many and the most popular of these are summarized in Section III. Most Bible scholars that have (I believe) erroneously identified Mystery, Babylon are at a loss to explain why the United States is not found in "End Times" prophecies. This never made sense to me personally when one realizes that this nation's very founding, unique temporally AND geographically in the world, is based directly on the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Old Testament as Revolutionary great Patrick Henry laments:

"It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity and freedom of worship here."

To repeat: Our very Christian form of Government and corresponding freedom is unique in the world today AND throughout human history. We were blessed accordingly and now are rapidly "falling away". From this "non-Biblical" standpoint it would seem that not only should the United States be found in the "End Times" prophecies we should be neck deep in the middle of it! Section IV will present compelling Biblical evidence that this in fact the case.

(Note: There are many questions that become readily apparent thanks to our Godless educational and media outlets. So as not to go off on tangents some will be answered in the text as appropriate, others at the end).

I. Introduction       II. Background       III. The Candidates       IV. New York City, USA

(Note: To avoid going off message all links that support this position as well as point to the impending manifestation thereof are tabulated in the consecutive order of their of appearance on the related links page as well as highlighted in the main text body.)



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